Where are my teeth?
The loss of dentures, hearing aids, and other medical devices are frequent and painful problems for nursing homes, adversely affecting resident health and quality of life, incurring unexpected expenses, and inviting unwanted scrutiny from the Department of Health.
The Scandent solution
Scandent provides small RFID tags that can be attached to various items, installs sensors in areas through which lost items are likely to pass, and provides handheld scanners for mobile searching. When an item is detected, Scandent alerts staff through a combination of alarms, emails, texts, and phone calls.
Savings and benefits
Scandent saves nursing homes tens of thousands of dollars each year on replacement costs and eliminates countless hours spent searching for, replacing, and resolving disputes over lost or missing items. Most importantly, Scandent improves resident health and quality of life.
How It Works
The setup
RFID readers and antennas are mounted at strategic “checkpoints” through which lost or stolen items are likely to pass. These include facility exits and other corridors through which laundry and garbage move. Small RFID tags are then attached to various items, and upon detection at checkpoints, tagged items trigger a customizable combination of alarms and email, text, and phone call notifications.
Handheld scanner
Tagged items are often misplaced in resident rooms or common areas, and don’t immediately pass by a checkpoint. Scandent provides mobile handheld scanners that can locate items left in dressers, nightstands, couches, bedsheets, laundry hampers, and clothing pockets.
Web and mobile
Scandent is managed from an easy-to-use web app that’s accessible from any internet-enabled device. There’s no software to install – just log in! Add new residents and items, customize email and text alerts, view detection logs, and run reports all from your desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone.
Deploy In Hours

Go live in one day
Scandent can be installed in the morning and be ready for use in the afternoon. Checkpoints and alerts tablets are typically mounted within hours, and staff can start tagging items and using Scandent immediately thereafter.
Tagging items and assets
Most items found in a nursing home such as hearing aids, eyeglasses, wallets, clothing, and electronic and medical devices can be tagged by nursing home staff. Most tags come in the form of stickers, cards, clip-ons, or heat-sealable labels.
Safe, reliable, and reusable
Scandent’s various tags are passive, battery-less, and never need replacement. Since the tags do not have a power source, they do not emit any signals and are safe for resident and staff use.